Hey! This article is going to be very short and unstyled. My goal here is to introduce this feature I find very helpful to those who haven't heard of it and probably fill up the SEO space for those searching for it.
GitHub recently introduced a new feature that allows you to create default files like CONTRIBUTING.md
, or even ISSUES templates in a public organization. These default files will be used for any repository owned by the organization that does not contain its file of that type. So if you have open-sourced projects in your company, project, or personal GitHub organization, then this is for you!
All you have to do is create a .github
repository and put all the files and templates in it (here's a perfect example). Then, you can find all the supported files here in the GitHub docs. I've also attached a screenshot below to save you some time (but feel free to click the link above to learn more about how to set up health files properly on GitHub). Cheers! ๐